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Current Consistory Members


Rafael Armstrong, VP of Consistory & Elder of Worship

Diane Sansone, Elder of Congregational Care

Paige Inglese, Elder of Youth & Discipleship

Celeste Kirk, Elder of Christian Education


Sherri Caramico, Deacon of Church Life

John Schaffer, Deacon of Buildings & Grounds

Michael Rica, Deacon of Finance

Tristian Wyant, Deacon of Missions

Christian Education

Christian Education - February 2025

Sunday School attendance numbers continue to range between 3 and 5 students. It is working well having two teachers split the teaching duties.

The theme for Vacation Bible School this year will be Cave Quest.  We will reuse a previous kit rather than spending money on a completely new kit.  I have ordered some craft materials to supplement what we have.  Later in February, an announcement for volunteers to help with VBS will be posted in thee-blast and bulletin.  Once the dates have been determined, I will ask Wes to create and online registration.

Women’s Bible Study continues to meet once a month on the third or fourth Friday of the month.  They are studying the parables of Jesus.

Respectfully Submitted by, Celeste Kirk/February 2025

Mission Moments

Mission In Action Report- February 2025

1.  Martha's Pantry Ongoing the first Saturday of each month.  Thanks to Emily Armstrong for collecting this past Saturday. If you’re unable to bring non-perishable items, but would still like to contribute, please send Venmo donations to @stclements271 with reference to Martha’s Pantry in the note.

2.  Eva's Village:They are looking for a volunteer to be a reading tutor from 3-4 pm once a week.  If interested, please let me know, so I can put you in contact with Angela Vance. Sign-up for spring dates to volunteer will be going on the Mission Board within the next week.

3.  Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center: On February 4th,Pastor Wes, Pastor Pat Dirkse and myself (with Ana) went to drop off the essential baby items for their Sanctity of Life program. 
John Dere also gave us a quick tour!

4.  World Central Kitchen:  We donated $275 to the LA Fires relief efforts on February 4th with funds collected from the bake sale and mission offering.

5.  City Church of Compton:  We wrote a check for $275 given to Pastor Pat Dirkse, a colleague and mentor of Wes’ to help with the LA fires relief efforts, as well.  He attended staff meeting with us and even musically contributed ideas for one of our service.

Submitted by, Tristian Wyant

Church Life

February 2025

On January 13th, Church Life purchased and had installed a new storm door for the back kitchen door, and also had the old door removed.  We had the contractor remove the old dishwasher, make the back counter top flat, and build and add anew counter top to that part of the kitchen. The cost was $2100.00 total for parts and labor.

We have not yet been charged for the cost to replace the pilot lights on Jan. 7th at the cost of $630.68, paid for with the Church Life debit card.  It has not posted to the account yet.  Would like to continue the discussion on how to deal with our commercial stoves/ovens.

Upcoming Events:

February 22nd - "Winter Soup Stroll" and the movie Esther.  A sign-up sheet for volunteers and attendees is in Fellowship Hall.  21 attendees, 8 soups and 7 desserts on the sign-up sheet as of 2/1.  Will need help with set-up on 2/21, and have Fellowship Hall emptied out that day after TLT closes please.

March 2nd - Pre-Lenten Pancake Breakfast.  A sign-up sheet for volunteers and forms for attendees are in Fellowship Hall.

March 22nd - Scrapbook Fundraiser Crop: This event SOLD OUT in 24 hrs!  A sign-up sheet for volunteers is in Fellowship Hall.  We really need help with set-up and clean-up to make sure this is another successful event.

April26th - International Celebration and movie

May3rd - Fish & Chips Fundraiser

June28th - Scrapbook Fundraiser Crop

November1st - Scrapbook Fundraiser Crop (need to move from September 13th)

Respectfully Submitted, Sherri Caramico

Buildings & Grounds

Building and Grounds Report – February 2025

Clean up and Drying Sanctuary Rugs

A leaking radiator spill caused the rug to saturate in backof the sanctuary.  Was able to clean upand correct with no real damage to report. Purchased a rug/floor drying fan to assist.

Boiler Repairs

Mike and Mark from Bobby Van made repairs in part to theboiler return system that had become clogged with rust and scale. The doneaddressed the leaking radiators in sanctuary and excess banging occurringduring service.

Work was completed on weekend to prevent interruption of daycare operations. Work was done in about 4 hours. We had to pay premium time forthe work

Additional work will be scheduled in the warm season thatwill require shutting off water to boilers completely.

Final repair to leaking return pipe in basement wascompleted.

Furnace Room Water Leak

A leaking drain valve flooded the boiler and back room withabout 1-2 inches of water. Thanks to Mike D assisting with clean up on aSaturday.  The valve was tightened andstopped.

Routine Inspections

Monthly and annual emergency lighting was inspected and recorded.

We need to coordinate with day care and have all fire extinguishers inspected at the same time this year (Chief Fire Protection Service).  A map of FE locations is hanging in the office to assist. Currently we have two separate cycles which we pay for both.  FE’ s should be inspected this month or early next.

New Business Items:

Fire Department requested emergency contact for church in event of need to access church building/kitchen – I recommended to Rev. Wes/Raf that someone more local be that first contact. Any updates on this ?

KNOX Box – The Fire Department suggested the purchase of a KNOX Box for emergency access to the building during off hours.  The cost is $3200.00.  If not we are billed for $110 annually.

Kitchen access – should consider a contingency plan to access kitchen in emergency if no one available?  Would an emergency key box on wall  outside of door work ? A key pad on one door ?

Boy Scout looking to do Eagle Project on outside doors is awaiting final approval from BSA for the work.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Schaffer

Youth & Discipleship

Report - February 2025

Youth Leader Meetings:

Youth Leaders meet regularly via Facetime or phone call. We have a group chat we talk in regularly

Youth Group:

Saturday, March 1st, we will be hosting a game night for middle and high schoolers. We have    the Wii, board games, pool, foosball and ping pong.

~ No kids showed up to our last youth group meeting despite all of our efforts, so I think a game night will be a great way to bring kids into the church.

Young Adult Group:

Friday, January 31st, 7-8:30.  Mike and I attended and discussed Identity in Christ and where our focus should be.

Saturday, February 8th, was our “meet the pastor” event hosted by Pastor Wes at Panera. Young adults at our church were invited to spread the word.


~ I continually pray for all the children and youth in our congregation.

~ I pray that God will bring in the youth and young adults from the community

Faith Place:

~ Security cameras were installed on January 30th

~ I spoke with Celina on Sunday about filming our video discussing what faith and fellowship are all about and giving a tour of the Faith Place.

~ The things from the daycare need to be moved before the game night in March

~ A few items are to be brought out for bulky waste.

~ I still have to discuss with the other youth leaders an option for the banner and what we want written on it.  I think something like “Shining Light on God’s Promises”

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